My Son Knows His Days With Mommy Are Numbered

It never ceases to amaze me how smart children are.  They pick things up so quickly, and they are also very perceptive at reading people.  I've also heard before that children know the gender of the baby in the mother's womb and also know when there is another baby that will be joining the family.

Before my wife and I went in for an ultrasound to find out the gender of our second child, we had asked our son whether he thought he was going to have a little brother or a little sister.  He said little sister.  Shortly after, we headed over for the ultrasound, and amazingly, our son had predicted correctly!  It was incredible!

Now that we are getting closer to baby number two's due date, our son has been clinging tightly to my wife these past few days, with the clinginess increasing with each passing day.  This morning, our son refused to be comforted unless mommy was holding him standing up.  It didn't matter whether daddy held him, it didn't matter if mommy was right next to him... in fact, it didn't even matter if mommy was holding him sitting down!  He had to be held by mommy while she was standing.  Our son certainly has his preferences, haha.  Of course, at the end of the day, my wife and I find it very endearing that he is so attached to the both of us, especially her recently.

I keep telling my wife that she shouldn't be carrying him so much especially now that we are further along in the pregnancy, and she knows that.  But understandably, it's difficult to not hold your child when he is screaming at the top of his lungs and crying to be held.  I just hope that her constantly carrying him is not going to seriously harm her physical health nor have a detrimental impact during delivery.

Our son just gets cuter and cuter as his vocabulary continues to increase.  It's amazing how everything a little baby says and does is just super cute.  He's also getting really good at trying to distract us when we try to discipline him.  When we try to correct him, he always tries to distract us by smiling at us, pointing to different body parts on his face and telling us the names of those parts to show us that he knows them, and pretty much anything and everything he knows that mommy and daddy find super adorable.  In the beginning, it worked pretty much 99% of the time.  Now, that trick doesn't work as well on me anymore because I know exactly what he's trying to do, whereas my wife still occasionally succumbs to his cuteness despite knowing his little ploy.

Ah, the joys of parenthood.  I wouldn't change it for the world.


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