Dream Big

I don't really know what to write, but I feel that I should write something since I haven't written in a while and I actually have the time to write.

I've been thinking about a lot of things lately... such as the spiritual growth and condition of the church I attend, dreams of the future, and being a parent.

I guess I'll talk about each of these three items one at a time.

Spiritual Growth & Condition Of Church
I'm worried about our church.  From a purely headcount point of view, our church has been stagnant if not decreasing in number.  People come and then they leave, while you have people one by one resting in the Lord due to old age.  I can't help but think that if the Holy Spirit was truly working in our church, then there should be a steady increase and growth in the number of people.  I know you can't measure how "spiritual" a church is by how many people attend, but I would imagine that if God truly blessed His church, then it would grow and prosper.  I don't really seem to find that after attending this church for so many years.  And this worries me.  I have occasionally entertained the thought of going to a different church, but I feel a strong attachment to the brothers and sisters at the current church I attend.  Perhaps it's the leadership, or perhaps we need more prayer...

Dreams Of The Future
I am very hopeful and optimistic of the future.  I have dreams about becoming a pastor some day so that God can use me to serve Him full-time as He pleases.  This may sound terribly arrogant, but I feel that if I were pastor, things would be different.  I also dream about being financially independent at an early age.  I'm shooting to retire when I turn 57 years old, but it would be great if I were financially independent before I turn 45 years old.  I have been taking steps toward trying to achieve that goal, but only time will tell if I make it.  I also fantasize about what life would be like once I'm retire, and it would consist of spending time with family, serving God, working out, and traveling.  To me, that would be the dream life.  And lastly, I dream of a bright future for each of my children, which leads me to talk about...

Being A Parent
It has truly been a joy to be a parent, and I'm totally looking forward to my second child on the way.  I'm just really nervous about sleep deprivation.  My son is a light sleeper and I'm worried that my son will wake up every time my daughter might cry in the middle of the night and vice versa.  I can't imagine what it's going to be like if both children are constantly waking up in the middle of the night.  My physical health can't handle little to no sleep.  When I don't get enough sleep and it's late at night, I get heart palpitations and it's scary as hell.  I really hope my second child will be a heavy and good sleeper so that this won't be an issue.

I hope each of my children will be able to attend an Ivy League school and make a difference in this world.  I hope each of them will leave a positive impact on society, and I hope they will remember me as a good father and role model.
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."  - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet."  - Victor Hugo
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."  - Walt Disney 


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